What to expect
Counselling is about giving you the time and space to explore events, relationships, behaviours and emotions that you may be finding difficult. From our first meeting, I'll be there to listen to you and to understand how you're thinking and feeling – all in complete confidence. Here's a bit about what to expect from your counselling sessions.
The first session
When you're coming for therapy, it’s important that you're comfortable working with me. So our first meeting together (also known as an initial consultation) gives us both the chance to get to know each other. We’ll talk about your reasons for coming to counselling and about what you want to achieve from it. Your goals for therapy may be very specific, or you might just want some space to talk through your thoughts and feelings.
After your first session, if we both agree to continue working together, we'll usually meet weekly. But this is something we chat about to find the most suitable arrangement for you.
After your first session, if we both agree to continue working together, we'll usually meet weekly. But this is something we chat about to find the most suitable arrangement for you.
How long therapy lasts
The decision about how long your therapy lasts will be discussed between us. Counselling can be short-term or long-term, lasting from a few weeks to many months, or even longer. Ultimately, you make the choice about how long you continue with counselling and when you want to stop.
In the counselling room, you're the expert. This means I won’t tell you what to do but will work together with you, supporting you in exploring your difficulties and achieving your personal goals. During your counselling, we'll regularly review the progress you're making and the goals you've set, giving you the opportunity to get the most out of our time together.
You can read more about the main areas and issues I work with on my how I work page. Or to make an appointment, just get in touch.
In the counselling room, you're the expert. This means I won’t tell you what to do but will work together with you, supporting you in exploring your difficulties and achieving your personal goals. During your counselling, we'll regularly review the progress you're making and the goals you've set, giving you the opportunity to get the most out of our time together.
You can read more about the main areas and issues I work with on my how I work page. Or to make an appointment, just get in touch.